8 Şubat 2013 Cuma

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Ladies, and gentlemen of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, I have for you a news flash of sorts: A VAST MAJORITY OF YOU ARE NOT HEROES!

In the everyone gets a trophy, this is by far the most infuriating. Telling an entire generation of military men and women that they are heroes when they are not gives them a false sense of entitlement, and achievement. Please don’t assume that I’m talking about ALL military men and women, just the ones who sit on major FOBs like Bagram and Kandahar and waste not only space, but my tax dollars as well. If you actively manned a gun, kicked in doors, out of planes, or provided fire or air support, you are a hero. If you pulled the wounded out of battle, or patched them up when they touched down, then you are a hero. If you sat in your office, bitching about shitty coffee while wearing an M-9 you have no clue how to operate, you ARE NOT a hero…… and you know it. Please stop acting like your tour here was so difficult. Please stop carrying yourself like we owe you something. Please stop pretending that you were at any point, useful. You don’t deserve a parade upon return, and none of you deserve a Bronze Star just for playing Nerf-Warfighter. To all those folks that make the actual mission happen, you have my respect. To all those who have lost someone in combat as I have, you have my condolences. To all you who lost your reflective belts and couldn’t go to the DFAC on Steak and Lobster Day…. Fuck you! mobil porno

If you are unclear after all the words you may, or may not have read. I have included pictures of people who are heroes, and pictures of those who are not heroes. And just because I can foresee someone getting butthurt and calling me out, I’ll say this. I know where I fit in the whole equation. Contractors have never gotten parades.

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